Monday, October 1, 2007

Spotlight Focus!

Yesterday at NorthStar, I was given the privilege of offering closing comments and announcements at the end of our 3 services. Now, public speaking is not a gift of mine (which is painfully obvious to those in attendance yesterday) but it is fun to share from time to time.
I pretty much made a mess of my time yesterday but I had fun, I may never be allowed back on stage but I had fun.

When I do get that opportunity I have to rely on something to help me remember what I am supposed to say. I don't want to mess anything up. I need this aid because the spotlight is focused on me and it makes me very nervous. I become self-conscious and forget everything.

I was wondering though why I don't make sure I have my aid with me in every day living. I mean God is certainly watching what I do and I know my family, friends, neighbors and even total strangers are watching what I do. The spotlight is always focused on me by someone. I may not feel it but it is there. Don't I need some sort of aid.

The good news is, God has provided that aid. The Bible, His Word, our owner's manual, and the ultimate Self-Help book. Everything we will ever need insight on, anything we need to remember as we live in the spot light of life, is in this book. I guess the question is when am I going to start using it.

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