Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now That's Funny...

In my never ending search to keep you interested (now that I think about it I may be the only person seeing this and therefor I suppose I am just trying to keep myself interested, anyway) I have stumbled across some interesting, sad, nuts and funny stuff. Today I want to share a couple of things I have seen recently that just make me wonder. Here are some headlines.

1) Pink Faberge Egg fetches record $18.5 million. (Good Lord who did that??)

2) Supermodel inspires NBA players hot streak. (I researched this a little... He makes $6+ million/year and has averaged over 12 minutes more per game in the past 4 games what that has to do with a girl....)

3) Sears Holdings 3Q profit plunges 99% (Is this surprising? When was the last time you went to Sears or Kmart)

4) Airlines add traveler services (They are going to contact you when your flight is delayed or cancelled.... My experience has been that they ACT like they don't know until you are on the plane and sitting on the Tarmac... by the way at this point I have already been told to turn off my cell phone... I guess my question is how are they going to contact me, over the PA system on the plane?)

5) Tricks to lessen the house value slide (They never mentioned don't sell... you don't lose money if you don't sell. A few years ago a the statistic for people moving in GA was that over 80% of all moves were from one county to another. If you can stay where you are for a few more years you won't lose money.)

6) Touring 50 Cent's crib ( How does a man with an $80,000 dollar chandelier in his dining room get the name 50 cent???)

And the ultimate...

7) Unlucky lottery winner (It seems this lottery winner is a convicted bank robber who isn't supposed to be gambling... "Sorry, dude you can't have the money!" Talk about a high turning into a low)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


In Philippians 1:3 Paul says, "I thank my God every time I remember you."

It got me to thinking two things. First of all, how often do I REALLY thank God for those I remember. Secondly, how often do I take the time to remember in the first place.

I am not sure if remembering others is a "spiritual gift" or not but either way I don't have it. My tendency is to focus on me. I am really not a bad person, at times I consider others, but it takes a lot of discipline for me to focus on others for long periods of time. Truly I am tired after that 10 minutes of focus.

Anyway, I want to remember those who helped me find my way in the darkness. I didn't have a dad growing up to lead me. Thanks to my mom for hanging in there with two idiots for sons. Thanks to Danny (a neighbor) for spending time with me and inviting me to church. Thanks to Paul (Sunday school teacher) for sharing Christ. Thanks to Kelley (my wife) for putting up with my selfishness and keeping me somewhat focused. Thanks to Kenneth & Sarah (inlaws) for "adopting" a kid with no clue who their daughter felt sorry for.

There are many, many people that we cross paths with that have an eternal affect on our lives. If Paul ( a hero of the faith ) can take time to remember and write them notes letting them know you remember, I think I can find some time to follow his lead.

I am striving to take 20 minutes each day and remember 3 people, pray for them and send them a note. I hope you will join me.

Monday, November 26, 2007

God's Power

Sometimes I forget that God is truly all powerful. I am not talking about the blue Genie from Alladin, I am talking about real power. This past weekend at NorthStar Daniel Hoover (Worship Pastor) spoke to our congregation about TRUE WORSHIP.

He talked about how true worship carries on outside the walls of the church and outside the calendar day of Sunday. It is really reaching out to the world around us. He did a great job of sharing his heart on worship. We are very lucky to have someone like him on staff.

I don't know what that has to do with God's power except to say that He has put this group of staff together. He has put this congregation together at this time in this location. Mordecai told Esther "who knows that you have been put in this place for such a time as this." I don't know why God has assembled the incredible cast of characters He has put here on staff and in the church, but I believe He wants to show His power in this community through a group of people that will allow Him to. I pray we are always willing to be used by His power.

Who knows that we have been put here for such a time as this!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday?

I think it is interesting that somehow the Friday after Thanksgiving has been dubbed "Black Friday". What is so black about it? Ok, for me it is sort of black, I mean I can hardly move from yesterday so all I can see is the back of my eyelids and even then it is not totally dark. I don't think it is black for the retailers. They are bringing in more cash (or receipts) today than any other day of the year. It's not black for news people, they have plenty to talk about. How many parking spaces are left, who lost the fight for the "tickle me Joe Bob" or whatever.

I just don't know how that happened. The day after the day we reserve for giving thanks should not be dubbed Black Friday. Most of us are off work so we don't even have to deal with that. Granted it is a madhouse at most stores and malls today but even that can be fun if you have the right approach to the "event".

I hope you don't see this day or any other as a Black day. God has created you and me to shine a light on every day. I hope you will.

By the way, I have done a little calculating and the best I can figure is that about 30 days after today is about as close to a black day as you get, after all that is when the credit card bill will come due.

Happy Bright Friday!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Helping others!

I just saw an article on Yahoo about food pantries seeing a rise in working people needing help with food. One of the people they interviewed said that she makes $9 per hour working full time, has no insurance and sometimes there just isn't enough to make ends meet. So she goes to the local food pantry for a little help. I have been guilty of making all kinds of judgments about people like this lady and many others. After all, the Bible says that if a man does not work neither should he eat. I have applied this to a lot of people.

I have finally learned that the Bible was written for me to apply to me not for me to apply to others. You know what this means. When God says if you don't work you won't eat He is talking to me. He also says over and over that I should help the poor. My thought has been if they aren't working they shouldn't be eating. But God has shown me that He makes those decisions not me.

In Crown, we talk about there being two parts to living (God's part and our part). My problem is that I want to do God's part and ignore my part. I find it easier to decide when someone should receive help and when they shouldn't rather than just giving when God asks me to give.

I guess what I really want to say is that we are called to help others. We are not called to help everyone but we are called to help someone. God will show you who that someone is if you will ask Him.

Our part is to help, His part is to deal with the results of that help. I hope you will join me and my family as we JUST help others and not worry about the rest.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Christian Business?

Yesterday, a friend of mine invited me to lunch. He wanted to talk about his business and how you really turn it over to God. Great question. It is very easy to say "God, this is your business" it is not easy to really turn it over. I am sure my comments to him were virtually useless but I have found something I think is very helpful for this and any other thing you want to turn over to God.

I have mentioned before about John Ortberg's book, "When the game is over it all goes back in the box." Last night I found a great quote I want to share with you guys.

"Jesus' idea was that when someone began to follow him, that person would become good news to everybody in the neighborhood, at the office, or in the school. His followers would become more generous and more truthful and would be a blessing to all peoples as God had promised Abraham."

So that is how you know that your organization (or yourself for that matter) is following Jesus. I told my friend that the hard thing about turning your business over to God is that once you have done it you still have to run the business. You have to decide what happens and doesn't happen. It doesn't get easier because you turn it over. In some ways it gets harder because you can't do things the way everyone else does.

Anyway, if you have an organization (business, sports team, weight watchers, whatever) that you want to turn over, commit it to God and then make the decisions that will allow it to be good news and a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with it.

I believe that God will then allow it to be a blessing to you and your family.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

To Worry or Not To Worry....

This past weekend at NorthStar Mike spoke about worry and asked us to list the things we worry about. Those lists were brought to the front of the room and left there for us as staff to pray over. I have looked at many of those and most of them are not really surprising (they are the same things I worry about).

I don't want to diminish or disregard the reality of the feelings associated with the issues that people wrote on those cards. I realize they are real feelings that carry a lot of weight and burden for these people. However, I would like to turn it around a little.

Many cards listed someone as worrying about having to work at a job they didn't like (I have been there). Many listed worrying about future health issues, finances, etc... These are all very real issues that we all deal with at some point on some level. But, doesn't God say who among you can add even a day to his life by worrying? I know it has never helped me.

Let me propose that we focus on the opposite. We thank God for the health we have rather than worrying about getting cancer. We thank God for the job we have rather than worrying about it being bad. We thank God for the money He has blessed us with rather than worrying about not having enough. We thank God for our families rather than worrying about their future. We thank God for our country rather than complaining about its direction. We thank God for His salvation rather than worrying about dying.

Rather than being too worried to be thankful, it is time we are too thankful to be worried!!

You can hear Mike Linch's message on worry @

This week Mike will share with us about PAUSING to be thankful. I hope to see you there.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nap Time?

Have you ever felt like you needed a nap after lunch? Me too! It turns out that it could be good for you.

Apparently, napping during the day is a great way to relieve stress on your heart. A 30 minute nap in the middle of the day gives your body the opportunity to rejuvinate (big word huh?). The study goes on to say:

Some of the reviving benefits of naps include enhanced cognitive function, better reaction time, more patience, stress relief, and better overall health.

I suppose the idea of a mid-day Siesta is not a bad idea. I know one thing when I am done eating at a Mexican restaurant I feel like I need a siesta.

Caution: Mid-day napping could be hazadous to your employment.

Maybe we could start with 15 minutes.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I hate tests!

Tomorrow morning I get the pleasure of going for a stress test. Now you should know that I probably have one of the most stress free jobs available. The only thing I could imagine that would be less stressful is Director of Communication for a large church but that is another story.

Anyway, I wrote last week that I was sick and for my trouble I am being sent to do this test. I have always hated a test and am not at all excited about this test. Think about it, it is a pass or fail deal. If you pass, good for you (for a while anyway), if you fail, go to hospital do not pass home do not collect clothing on the way.

I am pretty sure I have no problems with my heart but I suppose this is the right thing to do. After all, I am no doctor. I feel just like I did in High School, I am not looking forward to the test, but I know I have to do it and I want to get it over with.

I hope that the guy on the treadmill next to me is smart and doesn't mind me looking at his work and I hope it doesn't take 2 weeks to find out how I did.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


The last few days have not been good for me. I have a problem that has happened 3 different times. We can't figure out what causes it but are still working on that. Last night I didn't think I was going to make it without a trip to the ER. However, I woke up at 1AM to find myself dripping wet and feeling 1000 times better. PHEEEEW I am glad that life altering, near death, noone is experiencing what I have, time has passed.

Then today I visit two people in the hospital. One is a teammate who is probably one of the sweetest people I know that has a recurring problem with her intestines and has been in since the weekend. The other is a great guy who has become a good friend of ours from the softball field. He has blood clots in his left leg, bypass has been attempted and failed twice and now he is faced with the choice of keep the leg and deal with the pain or lose the pain and the leg. WOW!

I don't know what that means to you but for me I need to get a grip on myself sometimes. No matter how "bad" things are going for me, God has blessed me with a family, a job, a church, health, love, friends, community, etc...

I pray that God will show me those times when I am focusing too much on what I am dealing with when I should be focusing on what I have to be thankful for.

The next time you start feeling sorry for yourself go visit some folks in the hospital maybe I will see you there.