Thursday, October 25, 2007

Budget! Is it really necessary?

As you may know, I have two very distinct parts to my job here at NorthStar. I am the Pastor of Stewardship which allows me the opportunity to work with families, either one-on-one or through Crown, to move closer to God's financial direction for their lives. I am also the Business Administrator which allows me the opportunity to work with the staff members, management team and Pastor on the financial direction of the organization. These two parts of my job have a lot in common, but the main commonality is budgeting.

It really doesn't matter how big the numbers are the process is pretty much the same. It takes time, discipline, patience and will power. The basic parts of the process are:

1 Know what you spend now.
2 Know what you make now.
3 Allocate money to all categories.
(Don't ignore saving, investing and giving. They are vital to the overall picture)
4 Compare your expenses to revenue.
5 Make adjustments to balance the budget.
(These adjustments have to be made in how you live not just on paper)
6 Live within the budget
7 Adjust the budget as needed

The budget is not a document you create and put away. It is a guideline for living daily. Sometimes we need to adjust it to a change (job, family, etc...) that occurs. Other times we need to change it because our short term goals have changed.

I know you are thinking as I have many times, "this budget thing is a pain, I don't want to WASTE the time. I can get everything paid for without it." You are right, most of the time you can pay your bills and live without harassing phone calls without a budget. But the real purpose of the budget is to set up guardrails that help keep you on the path to your goals. That's right a budget should be based on your goals. If you have a goal of "retirement" (we'll talk later) or sending the kids to college or property on the lake or giving 15% to the church, you must have a plan to get there or it will always be just a wish.

Budgeting is how these wishes become reality.

For more info:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You Are Getting Very Sleeeeeepy!

Have you ever noticed yourself acting in an irrational or over emotional manner? Oh, Okay. Have you ever noticed your spouse or a co-worker acting in an irrational or over emotional manner? Ahhhhh, me too! So what is up with these people. I mean you ask a simple question about getting 2 months off or a 14.257% raise or a personal assistant to do your work for you and they just go off all crazy and stuff.

Well, as it turns out, there is a reason for this madness. Apparently scientists have found that sleep deprivation causes us to overreact emotionally. This is probably not a surprise to you as it was not to me. But having scientific studies behind it helps us to focus on it more I suppose. The following was stated in the article referenced below: "While we predicted that the emotional centers of the brain would overreact after sleep deprivation, we didn't predict they'd overreact as much as they did," Walker said. "They became more than 60 percent more reactive to negative emotional stimuli. That's a whopping increase—the emotional parts of the brain just seem to run amok." It is traced to a "hyperactive response to a shutdown of the prefrontal lobe, a brain region that normally keeps emotions under control" Okay, shake your head and refocus your eyes and I will explain it to you. When you don't sleep part of your brain shuts down and apparently it is the part that keeps your foot out of your mouth.

For me this was not earth shattering information. However, I do need to be reminded that God created sleep for a reason. Not just to have something to do in a chair or pew on Sunday mornings but to re energize and re build me as the whole person He created. I suppose I should turn the TV off the cage fighting, football, baseball and 2 man beach volleyball and allow God to refresh my body and brain. I hope you do as well, it may make the drive to work less painful.

Good night.

Monday, October 22, 2007


I don't know about you but I love to receive encouragement. It empowers me to take steps I would not have otherwise taken. It gives me courage to stand strong in difficult times. It gives me the will to forge ahead when I am tired and feel like quitting. I love and need encouragement.

However, I am terrible when it comes to handing out encouragement. I have spurts of time when I send cards, slap backs, give credit, etc... But generally they are small and short lived spurts. I know that God has put me in my current position, (whether it be home, work or play) to help those around me be their best. Occasionally, I need to be reminded that I need to be an encourager. I allow myself to get caught up in what "I" am dealing with and lose focus on one of my duties as a leader in these three areas. I can't encourage OTHERS when I focus on me.

I pray that God will help me be an encourager. I want to encourage my wife when she is stuck doing laundry or struggling with family issues. I want to encourage my girls through their homework and tough times on the softball field. I want to encourage my co-workers when they are tired and weary. I want to encourage you through this blog.

Pray for me as I strive to be an encouragement to others.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Game

Today, we are hosting a 1 hour talk by John Ortberg based on his book called "When the Game is over it all goes back in the box." The basic premise of the book is that no matter how well we do financially here on earth we can not take it with us. We leave all of it here.

I believe that by now everyone has heard a million times the phrase, " I have never seen a hearse pulling a U-haul." The fact that it is a true statement does not make it any less tired by the way. Obviously, it is true that we will take nothing with us, however, we still have to play the GAME. I mean I still have to eat, pay the light bill, drive, have a place to sleep, etc...

So knowing that when the game is over it all goes back in the box and knowing that I still have to play the game what should be my goal. I mean what is the point in playing if I know the result already (I can't keep it)?

Here is God's "secret". THE GAME ITSELF (not the result) IS THE POINT!!

How we play the game is of concern to God. In week 2 of Crown we talk about what is God's part. Week 3-10 are all about what our part is. In short, it is to be faithful with what He gives (His part) us, but of course there is much more to it than that. In Luke 16:11 Jesus says, "If you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you." How you play the Game determines what kind of riches you are ultimately entrusted with. I am really striving to play this game well. I want him to trust me with TRUE RICHES.

In Monopoly, you win by ending the game. In God's game you win by playing the game His way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bad Shot, Wrong Focus!

Some of the guys in the office and some guys we met at the YMCA hook up to play basketball about 3 mornings each week. Sometimes, its 1-0n-1, sometimes 2-0n-2, 3-on-3, 2-on-3 or whatever. It is a lot of fun, a huge challenge and gives some much needed exercise. I am not a good player but I love to play and accept the challenge of whoever I am facing. Sometimes it works out good other times not so good.

Today was a not so good day. Steve Roach and I played today and he won 3 games to 2. I know what you are thinking, how in the world did he beat you 3 times in one morning. I want to say the referee was terrible but there wasn't one, besides that he usually doesn't get close enough to foul me. I will leave you to figure out what that means.

Anyway, my shot was not good at all today. Normally, I am not very good but today was exceptionally bad. In the last game, I actually caught myself keeping up with my shots. I was 0 for 9 before I thought why on earth am I focusing so much on what I have missed. Yes, I actually thought about this while we were playing. When I stopped focusing on my 0% shooting percentage to that point, I actually came back and won that game.

This reminded me that if I focus on the bad things, mistakes and air-balls in my life, I will never hear the "string music" that a great shot makes.

I pray that you will refocus your thoughts on the provision, gifts and love God has put in your life. May you attack whatever your opponent is with a positive attitude, all your effort and God's strength. I know Steve will find it tought to beat me like that again!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Do I have a problem?

I don't know about you but for me, I have no problem seeing where you, or anyone else, are making mistakes. This goes for any aspect of your life. I can see your flaws from 10 miles away. I can see every pit and pothole you have fallen into and are about to go into. As a matter of fact, when I read my Bible your name comes to my mind. when I read verses and stories I have no problem putting you right there. Not the good ones, the bad ones. For example, when the Bible says "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." I know exactly which one of you that is talking about. Weird huh!!

Answer this question and I will tell you what I discovered.
"Who was the Bible written for?" (Insert the theme from Jeopardy here.)

Here is what I discovered. The Bible was written for me! Yes, it was written for you also. But, from my perspective God intends for me to use the Bible as MY guide not as my guide for YOU! Granted if you come to me for counsel hopefully I will give you Biblically based counsel. But the Word is for ME.

Now, I believe that our challenge is to stop trying to apply the Bible to each other and really, truly, focus on applying it to ourselves. It is easier said than done. It takes a true commitment to want God's best for yourself. It takes humility to admit our flaws. It takes time to find God's direction. It takes strength and determination to make the change. The fact is if we continue to allow satan to put "anyone's" name in Bible verses and stories other than ours we lose, he wins.

I want to stop that cycle. I know you do as well. Let's make a conscious effort to focus on us as we study God's Word. Just say NO - to reading God's Word and applying it to your friends and family.

By the way, if you want to know what you need to focus on CALL ME.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Fear vs Freedom

Isn't the internet great. With just the touch of the keyboard you can find all kinds of stuff. Well I have found some very interesting info for you today. Have you ever wondered what your chances of winning the lottery are? Come on, you can be honest. Me too. I don't know about you but my chances are zero. It turns out you have to buy a ticket to win and I ain't spending my money that way. But, that is a topic for another day.

I wonder why we really care about odds. We have statistics for everything. Using these numbers we can create odds. Such as:

Odds of dating a supermodel - 88,000 to 1
Odds of having hemorrhoids - 25 to 1
Odds of dating a millionaire - 215 to 1 ( if she can't be pretty maybe she'll have money)
Odds of being murdered - 18,000 to 1
Odds of being considered possessed by Satan - 7,000 to 1

The good news is you have pretty good odds of dating a millionaire. The bad news is he or she is likely to have hemorrhoids and has a good chance of being possessed by Satan. Good luck to you.

Anyway, odds and statistics have always been very interesting to me. I just find them fascinating. But, we can become so fixated on those things that we accomplish nothing. We can spend WAY to much money trying to win the lottery (13,000,000 to 1) and not be able to provide for our family properly.

I want my life to be about more than odds. I know that if I trust God and try to live according to His plan and turn it all over to Him, the odds don't mean anything. Yes, I can still become a statistic, but in God's eyes I am living by His plan. It gives me freedom to live without fear of what may happen. I believe that is what God intended.

What is stopping you from turning it all over to Him?

PS Now that I know I have better odds of winning an Olympic Medal (662,000 to 1) than drowning in a bathtub (685,000 to 1) I will smell better tomorrow.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What's wrong with my skin??

In yet another article I found, problems with our skin have been linked to stress. Yes, you read right STRESS. Dry skin, inflammation, rashes and even allergies. These can all be traced back to your level of stress. This is on top of the other problems, such as, high blood pressure, ulcers and a sore throat from all the screaming at people. Chill out will ya, I didn't see the light turn green.

As you are no doubt aware, we get stressed more about money and money related issues (job) than anything else. So, how do we begin to lower our stress level? Well, it won't happen by trying to win the lottery! First off, you have to know where you are spending the money God has given you. I recommend you write down everything you spend for a month. This means everything. You buy a piece of gum from the concession stand you write down Gum 5 cents Oct. 3. You do this for a month and you have a start on putting your budget together. You will also be able to see very easily some things that you can stop that will help save money.

The truth is that every one of us know what we have to do to solve this financial issue and relieve the stress that comes from that. No one has a silver bullet to help you. Not me, not Larry Burkett, not even Dave Ramsey!! You have the power to change how you are living in this area and therefor remove that portion of stress in your life.

My question is,

"What is stopping you from taking the steps to make your life more stress free?"

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Who are you "Hangin' With"?

I have linked an article below that talks about a study. Studies are always interesting but this one hit me on two fronts. The study says that if you gain or lose weight your close associates will do the same. Very Interesting. Now I know what you are thinking, you are wondering who I have been hanging out with. Stop, that is enough of that. You have problems too!

Anyway as the article went on it talked about how this theory could be applied to other areas of our life. I am not very smart but I can tell you that it absolutely does affect the financial area. The peer pressure to fit in is bigger for adults than for kids. We buy and buy just to make sure we can fit in with the people who "have" money. It is too bad we have to be this way.

There is good news though. Since we know that we will begin to look and act like those we "hang" with the most, maybe we should be a little more careful about who we choose to be around. I mean maybe we should hang out with people who paid cash for their new Jeep rather than those that traded their upside down Expedition for a new Escalade. I would rather be like those with no car payment. Can you imagine what it would be like to have no car payment?

I think you know what I am saying.

I'm off to get in line with my people at Golden Corral.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Spotlight Focus!

Yesterday at NorthStar, I was given the privilege of offering closing comments and announcements at the end of our 3 services. Now, public speaking is not a gift of mine (which is painfully obvious to those in attendance yesterday) but it is fun to share from time to time.
I pretty much made a mess of my time yesterday but I had fun, I may never be allowed back on stage but I had fun.

When I do get that opportunity I have to rely on something to help me remember what I am supposed to say. I don't want to mess anything up. I need this aid because the spotlight is focused on me and it makes me very nervous. I become self-conscious and forget everything.

I was wondering though why I don't make sure I have my aid with me in every day living. I mean God is certainly watching what I do and I know my family, friends, neighbors and even total strangers are watching what I do. The spotlight is always focused on me by someone. I may not feel it but it is there. Don't I need some sort of aid.

The good news is, God has provided that aid. The Bible, His Word, our owner's manual, and the ultimate Self-Help book. Everything we will ever need insight on, anything we need to remember as we live in the spot light of life, is in this book. I guess the question is when am I going to start using it.