Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Who are you "Hangin' With"?

I have linked an article below that talks about a study. Studies are always interesting but this one hit me on two fronts. The study says that if you gain or lose weight your close associates will do the same. Very Interesting. Now I know what you are thinking, you are wondering who I have been hanging out with. Stop, that is enough of that. You have problems too!

Anyway as the article went on it talked about how this theory could be applied to other areas of our life. I am not very smart but I can tell you that it absolutely does affect the financial area. The peer pressure to fit in is bigger for adults than for kids. We buy and buy just to make sure we can fit in with the people who "have" money. It is too bad we have to be this way.

There is good news though. Since we know that we will begin to look and act like those we "hang" with the most, maybe we should be a little more careful about who we choose to be around. I mean maybe we should hang out with people who paid cash for their new Jeep rather than those that traded their upside down Expedition for a new Escalade. I would rather be like those with no car payment. Can you imagine what it would be like to have no car payment?

I think you know what I am saying.

I'm off to get in line with my people at Golden Corral.

1 comment:

Camel Rider said...

Great post. I think Pastors struggle with this as well. So many churches are trying to keep up with the Jone's. We go from building program to building program and our behavior actually reinforces the secular mentality of more is better. Whether it's related to money or embracing new trends we do become like those we hang with.