Thursday, October 25, 2007

Budget! Is it really necessary?

As you may know, I have two very distinct parts to my job here at NorthStar. I am the Pastor of Stewardship which allows me the opportunity to work with families, either one-on-one or through Crown, to move closer to God's financial direction for their lives. I am also the Business Administrator which allows me the opportunity to work with the staff members, management team and Pastor on the financial direction of the organization. These two parts of my job have a lot in common, but the main commonality is budgeting.

It really doesn't matter how big the numbers are the process is pretty much the same. It takes time, discipline, patience and will power. The basic parts of the process are:

1 Know what you spend now.
2 Know what you make now.
3 Allocate money to all categories.
(Don't ignore saving, investing and giving. They are vital to the overall picture)
4 Compare your expenses to revenue.
5 Make adjustments to balance the budget.
(These adjustments have to be made in how you live not just on paper)
6 Live within the budget
7 Adjust the budget as needed

The budget is not a document you create and put away. It is a guideline for living daily. Sometimes we need to adjust it to a change (job, family, etc...) that occurs. Other times we need to change it because our short term goals have changed.

I know you are thinking as I have many times, "this budget thing is a pain, I don't want to WASTE the time. I can get everything paid for without it." You are right, most of the time you can pay your bills and live without harassing phone calls without a budget. But the real purpose of the budget is to set up guardrails that help keep you on the path to your goals. That's right a budget should be based on your goals. If you have a goal of "retirement" (we'll talk later) or sending the kids to college or property on the lake or giving 15% to the church, you must have a plan to get there or it will always be just a wish.

Budgeting is how these wishes become reality.

For more info:

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