Tuesday, November 27, 2007


In Philippians 1:3 Paul says, "I thank my God every time I remember you."

It got me to thinking two things. First of all, how often do I REALLY thank God for those I remember. Secondly, how often do I take the time to remember in the first place.

I am not sure if remembering others is a "spiritual gift" or not but either way I don't have it. My tendency is to focus on me. I am really not a bad person, at times I consider others, but it takes a lot of discipline for me to focus on others for long periods of time. Truly I am tired after that 10 minutes of focus.

Anyway, I want to remember those who helped me find my way in the darkness. I didn't have a dad growing up to lead me. Thanks to my mom for hanging in there with two idiots for sons. Thanks to Danny (a neighbor) for spending time with me and inviting me to church. Thanks to Paul (Sunday school teacher) for sharing Christ. Thanks to Kelley (my wife) for putting up with my selfishness and keeping me somewhat focused. Thanks to Kenneth & Sarah (inlaws) for "adopting" a kid with no clue who their daughter felt sorry for.

There are many, many people that we cross paths with that have an eternal affect on our lives. If Paul ( a hero of the faith ) can take time to remember and write them notes letting them know you remember, I think I can find some time to follow his lead.

I am striving to take 20 minutes each day and remember 3 people, pray for them and send them a note. I hope you will join me.

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