Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's funny how we see things. The old adage that "one person's junk is another's treasure" is very true.

Have you ever been driving through a neighborhood and seen something they put out with the trash can and said "Hmmmmmm I've been wanting a new ceiling fan"? Yeah, me too!

Interesting how that happens isn't it. Here's the thing about perspective. It is much easier to see the good in things you don't have than in the things you do have. We have this strange desire for almost anything we don't already have.

In Philipians 4 Paul said "For I have learned to be content..." We have to learn to be content with what God has given us and where He has put us. It is not easy but definitely a better place to live. I have gotten there with many things. Now that doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to have a 4 door F150 in the garage, but it means that I don't go get it until I have a "NEED" for it. It is not easy but it is the best way. Long term me and my family will be much better off financially, emotionally and spiritually because we are content where we are with what we have. This contentment is only gained by practice and God's grace.

I pray this contentment for you and your family. We talk about contentment in week 9 of Crown.

By the way, if you are out and about feel free to take the exercise bike by my trash can. If I left a shirt hanging on it leave it by the garage.


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