Thursday, March 27, 2008


We have all heard a million difference sermons, talks, shows, read books, etc... about having balance. We know we should balance ourselves and it is not easy at all.

One thing I don't think we hear enough of is financial balance. Let's say you have your financial life straightened out, you only owe for your home, you aren't spending money wildly, etc... You still need to have balance.

Balance financially comes from what I believe God would have your life look like financially.

1) Giving - According to God's word in Malachi 3:8-10 it should begin at the church with 10%. Of course, it is perfectly OK to give more if you can make that happen.

2) Saving - According to God's word in Proverbs 21:20 only the foolish consume all they have.

3) Spending - spending is not a bad thing. Obviously, you have to buy things to survive in our current world, unless of course you live on a farm grow your own food, use solar panels, and your car runs on electricity from those panels.

I pray that you will try a life balanced on the three financial items above.

It is possible to live in this world and live as God has planned for us to live. It is not only possible but it is beneficial. If we would just CHOOSE to live this way God will take care of the rest.

It is His promise not mine. I trust Him to do that, DO YOU?

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