If you pay attention at all you know that our economy is cyclical and because of this we should be prepared. It is interesting that God's word gives us an example of how to do this. You can read for yourself where Joseph prepares for 7 years of famine during the 7 good years. You can find that story in Genesis 41.
Anyway I found an article today that is pretty good. The problem that I have with the article is that if we are supposedly in a recession now how can I possibly prepare for the recession. In other words, we should prepare for bad times (famine) during the good times (plenty). Generally speaking our problem is this, we spend everything we get, and then some, during times of plenty and have nothing set aside for the famine. I know what you are thinking and no I don't believe we will not have food as a nation any time soon. But, too many of us cause ourselves great pain and a lot of debt because we are unprepared for a layoff or economic downturn.
Truly recession is a matter of preparation more than anything else. If you are prepared for a recession you won't be affected by it. As a matter of fact, if you are a Christian you should stand out in your world as someone who is not affected by a recession. This will allow the opportunity to answer the questions of why aren't you affected and you can then share God's story. Think about Joseph here, everyone in the world at the time had to come to Him for food. What an opportunity.
We serve an awesome, giving and caring God. He wants you to look different from the world. He wants you to serve the world in bad times not be in the soup line with them.
If I can help you with this please let me know (jamie.maddox@northstarchurch.org). The link to the article is below and I also am giving you the link to Crown Ministries.
I pray that you will be all God has called you to be.
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