Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today I spent a few moments reading Romans 12. I have heard verse 2 about being transformed by the renewing of my mind many times, so I wanted to read the chapter for some background and follow-thru. And as is most often the case I found something God wanted me to have.

V 17: Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
V 18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

You have heard the saying, "what comes around goes around", I don't know about you but far too often I find myself trying to make sure that something "goes around" for someone who made something "come around" on me. And then I read these verses and God says through Paul to me, that is not your role!! Don't do that. Don't worry about what they did. Love them. Pray for them. Feed them. Give them something to drink.

God says to me don't try to avenge a wrong done to you. Love everyone even when they do wrong to you. You do what I have called my followers to do. Love everyone. Paul tells us to leave room for God's wrath. I am so pitiful to think that I can get revenge against someone. When you think about it, what can I really do to someone that is truly hurtful. Anything I have to offer good or bad (other than God's love) is only of this world and has no lasting value.

So even though I may feel better when I get someone, it does me NO good, it doesn't solve the problem, and it doesn't lead them to the only being that can change their heart.

Today I pray that you will see this truth as I have and as you apply it to your living, be blessed.

Romans 12:17-21

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