Friday, January 4, 2008


Friday's are great aren't they?

For me Friday is an off day. I do my best to keep it that way. It is a day for me and Kelley to hang out, work around the house or run some errands. Either way it is a fun day when we get to be together.

I guess the reason I wanted to write about my Friday is I hope you have a day like that. It is not necessarily "down time" but it is not working at my profession. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do but I do need that time away from it and there are certainly a million things I need to do around the home. I really love the time I get to spend with Kelley as we "get things done" or just hang out.

I hope in 2008 you will find a day like this regularly to spend with your spouse and reset yourself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah...Fridays are great. Is that the only day you're going to add posts to your blog in 2008?