Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Vote for MORE Government!!

Let me explain.

I am not a very smart person. I don't know who will be the best person to be president of our GREAT country. I don't know how NASA figured out how to put a missle in the falling satellite yesterday. I don't even know what time of day I am supposed to have my trash can out by. I mean, about half the time I miss those guys. I guess they show up at 4 am to pick up the trash. I'm sorry back to the point.

I saw a story on Yahoo that was created by 60 minutes (and you know 60 minutes is on top of it). If you are like me you don't spend a lot of time thinking about pennies and nickles and apperantly our government doesn't spend enough time on it. Here's the deal!

Each year the U.S. mint creates 8 Billion pennies and 1.3 Billion Nickles. That translates into $80 million in pennies and $65 million in nickles. That's a lot of value for something I don't even bend over to pick up. Maybe I should rethink that. Anyway, even though I don't have an idea why they still make pennies, my indifference to them is not the problem.

The problem is that our brilliant government spends $134 million per year to create $80 million worth of pennies and $124 million per year to create $65 million dollars worth of nickles. GOOD LORD!

Now that I think about it, why should we be surprised when candidates raise and spend well over $100 million to get a job paying $400 thousand per year. Not that I'm bitter.


GAToneman said...

It really has nothing to do with your intelligence level ... it is really just common sense. Imagine how shocked we would be with the things that our government spends money on that we DON'T know about. But, I have to disagree with the minting of pennies. How would I be able to offer: "A penny for your thoughts" or give my "Two cents worth" on an issue without pennies? And that even begs the question: If you do offer a Penny for my thoughts, and I give you my two cents worth ... what happens to the change?

hesterch said...

Just think Jamie, If you were President you would not have to pay for anything for four years. That means their pay is more than the eye can see. That free stuff could turn into eight years. Not to mention the power that comes with the job. Minting of pennies is one of the reasons we are in debt now in the trillions. I still pick up a penny from the street because God has taught us to be good stewarts. You see so many people do not listen to God and just leaves the penny on the ground. I give them to one of my grand daughters She now has about $50.00 in pennies. That is the reason God called you into the calling you are in. You know the value of a penny. By the way I picked up a penny yesterday in the parking lot at McDonalds. You know what I did with it. She said thank you Paw Paw.