Thursday, April 17, 2008

Obvious or am I missing something?

As you know, I am not the smartest person in the world. For that matter, I am not the smartest person in my office (Niki just walked in). Anyway, economics have always been a matter of interest for me. I think it is cool that our economy is cyclical just like the earth rotates around the sun and causes seasons. It really is cool.

From a Biblical perspective, God told Joseph about 7 years of plenty in preparation for 7 years of famine. Another cycle. I am not saying that our cycles will be 7 years but it is an example of a cycle. You may even think of more Biblical examples.

Here is my problem. We have this example from a long time ago in the Bible. We have lived through economic cycles even if you are only 10 years old you have now lived through the IT bubble of 2000-2002 the relatively short good times of 2003-2006 and now 2007-2008 recession like time. However, we still don't seem to get it.

What I don't understand is why we can't get it through our heads that there will be ups and downs. We will have jobs, we won't have jobs. We will make money, we won't make money. Why don't we prepare for the tough times during the good times.

Okay, you are now saying, "what does that have to do with the title of this incredible rant?" I have attached a link to an article below that is saying exactly what I have just laid out for you. Of course, it may sound smarter coming from her. She is saying that our current downturn is a "blast from the past". Basically that looking at our current situation is more like archeology than economics. That is awesome as far as I am concerned. Archeologists are digging up junk everyday that proves the Bible to be true and this is just another example of that.

You can read the article and then Joseph's story. My point is the cycle should be obvious to us (especially Christians) by now ACT ON IT!


Ailing Economy Could Be a Blast from the Past

By Laura Rowley

Monday, April 14, 2008

My President

You have to be just beside yourself with the presidential election. If that was supposed to be capitalized forgive me. We hear so much junk during this process that you don't even know what to listen to anymore. I really don't get overly involved in politics. I enjoy the presidential election process as a technical process. I hate listening to all the "EMPTY" yapping. I mean how long are we going to talk about who is going to fix education, health care, global warming, taxes, etc... Candidates have told us for decades that they have a fix for these issues.

My question to you is "Has anyone done a thing about any of them?"

Here is my voting process TODAY. I will vote for the person I here the least out of. Today that is Sen. John McCain. Good for you for keeping your mouth shut, for the most part, for the past few months. Of course, he hasn't had anyone to talk about since they all dropped out. Anyway, he hasn't interrupted my TV viewing at all. Thank you.

I don't really think this stance will change since Hillary can not possibly keep quiet. I believe if she were running unopposed she would campaign against the presidential candidates in 2012. My bad, probably shouldn't have said that.

Forget all of that, what I really want is someone who will go to D.C. and work to solve some of the issues we have. I will not necessarily agree with everything (see previous global warming post) but at least something will get done.

Help us to get better as a country, as a people. Not just the poor, not just the rich, ALL OF US!