Thursday, May 7, 2009
Of course, MUST could not do this without countless volunteers and donations for individuals, businesses and churches. Kelley has made it simple for our congregation to get involved in this ministry effort.
Yesterday I went with Kelley and 4 others to serve and these are my findings:
1) It is a small building in the middle of Smyrna where local residents can get food and clothing
2) The evening shift is relatively new so not many people took advantage of it being opened.
3) The love they show to this community is incredible. Reaching out to them with physical needs as well as training and job opportunities.
4) I had a great time hanging out and discussing DEEP theological topics. Well, at least they were deep for me.
Taking time to serve in this way is a great opportunity to reach out to the poor. It is an opportunity to meet others in our congregation and find out who they are. It is an opportunity to become more like Jesus.
When you check it out, let me know about your experience.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
And then I read, 1 John 4:7-19. John begins here with,"Dear friends, let us love one another,..." Notice that he didn't say, "Dear friends, let us be lovable,..." That would have been much easier for me because, I wouldn't have to love those that aren't lovable. However, it doesn't say that. As I have said before, the Bible is written for me to apply to myself, so I have to LOVE "one another". I am no english scholar (anyone will attest to that) but I believe "love" is used as a verb here and best I remember verbs are the action words.
If love is an action word and the Bible is written for me, then I have to take away that I am to perform the action (love). I must love other believers simply because they are believers. No other motivation is necessary. They don't have to love me or be nice, or cute or my children or whatever. Because they are a believer qualifies them. Why?
Verse 11: "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
Verse 19-20: "We love because he first loved us. If we say we love God yet hate a brother or sister, we are liars."
God loved me when I was terribly unlovable. (I know, it is hard to imagine me that way). Yet he loved me anyway. He wants me to love those that He loves.
I am so thankful that God loved me unconditionally when I was the most unlovable. Because of this love, I want to love others unconditionally when they are the most unlovable.
Pray for me as I strive toward this.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Light or Dark
First of all John says, "God is light; in him there is not darkness at all." (verse 5) He goes on to tell us that we are liars if we claim to have fellowship with Him, yet walk in darkness. That seems a bit harsh, since I am a sinner and will sin so I want to know what the phrase "walk in darkness" (verse 6) means.
In his commentaries, Matthew Henry uses the word practice to explain the meaning here. So to "walk in darkness" could say "to practice darkness." To me, this distinction is important.
Practice: to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually
So if I perform often, customarily or habitually an act of sin I am then walking in darkness and therefore a liar if I say I have fellowship with Him. Why is this distinction important to me as someone who is trying to figure this "walk" out? Keep reading.
Verse 7: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin."
If I walk (perform often, customarily or habitually) in the light (that is, after Jesus) the blood of Jesus will purify me from all sin. Notice it didn't say I would not sin. That is huge for me. It says His Blood will purify me from the sin. Read verses 8-10 on your own.
What a relief! Not that I don't have to worry about what I do. It does say that if I "walk in the light" I will be purified. I have to walk or practice the ways of Jesus and that is no small task, but I am not expected to be perfect. Which is good news for someone like me.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
On Guard!
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from you secure positions. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
We have been forewarned. Now we must be "on guard"
I think you would agree that it is easy to be carried away. I really have to be focused to stay on my guard. So how do I do that? I have to work on my relationship with God. I have to speak to Him and read His word. I need people in my life that will challenge my thinking and my actions.
These things are not easy to do when we are in the throws of living, but they are necessary to be who we really want to be. When I wanted to get a degree in college I spent a lot of time studying. When I wanted to fool Kelley into marrying me I spent a lot of time getting to know her.
If I want to be "ON GUARD", I must study His book and spend time to get to know Him.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
False Teachers
Look at this example. It may not be perfect but I think it fits. You borrow some money, buy a home, and pay back with interest. Pretty simple. But enter Mr. whoever, and you have "interest only", a loan that only requires purchasers to pay interest on the borrowed money. This also allows buyers to borrow more money than they would have originally borrowed. But bigger than that, now an entire group of people who couldn't have qualified for other loans can make the interest only payments and now buy homes. I don't want to politicize this post, but it is fairly easy to see how this contributed to where the economy is today. Why did someone change the message of mortgages (and therefore home buying)? Was it to help us?
OK, whether you agree or not with that example is irrelevant, hopefully it illustrates what I am getting at. We could all come up with examples of how something good has been distorted by a change in wording 0r description. But again, why would this be done?
Verse 3a:
"In their greed, these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories."
The root cause of sin is me. I want what I want and I want it now. I will use most any means to get it. I will confuse people with double talk and half truths to get them to "believe". I will change little by little until I have led people miles from where they should be headed.
You have heard put a frog in boiling water and he will jump out, but put him in cold water and turn on the heat and he will boil to death. The same is true for us. We don't notice small changes.
The problem with man is and will always be man. I am so consumed with myself that I struggle to lead people to the God who has saved me.
Do not believe everything you hear or see. I have said many times, "everyone is selling something." God has given us His Word for learning. He wants to be our ultimate teacher.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Abundant Grace & Peace
"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."
So abundant grace and peace are ours through the knowledge of God and Jesus. That sounds simple enough. So why did this stand out to me?
Read verse 8:
"For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
If abundant grace and peace come through the knowledge of God and Jesus I certainly don't want to be ineffective in that. I want to know what these qualities are. Verses 5-7 hold the key:
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."
I don't know about you but reading this list I am far away from qualifying for that abundance! Realizing my short coming, the question becomes what am I doing to move in this direction. As Andy Stanley says, "it is direction not intention that determines destination." (This is from his book "The Principle of the Path.")
I have Faith but what am I doing that is "good"? How am I adding "knowledge"? Do I exercise "self-control"? Am I "persevering"? Do I exhibit "godliness"? Am I showing "mutual affection"? Do I "love" others?
These are tough questions and even harder to accomplish but I must move forward. I must take steps. I must get on the path to abundant grace and peace.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
To Him be the Glory!
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If you speak , you should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If you serve, you should do so with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Love each other!
Offer hospitality!
Use whatever gift!
When I read these verses and remember that Peter is writing to "God's elect, exiles scattered throughout..." (1Peter 1:1) I am reminded, he is talking to me. I understand the following:
I am to love each other!
I am to offer hospitality!
I am to use whatever gift!
I know this. I have known it. I try to do these things and at times am reasonably accomplished at doing it. Where I stuggle is:
I am to love each other so that God may be praised!
I am to offer hospitality so that God may be praised!
I am to use whatever gift so that God may be praised!
Honestly, there are many times that I do things so that I may be praised. Just being honest! There are times when I want praise. Now I think that everyone needs to be recognized and praised for doing the right thing and hard work, but I can't have that desire. And I do. Now what?
In verse 7 Peter says, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray." Of course, I have a picture of what being unsober is, so I picture sober as the opposite. Well that is not entirely true. So we look at our old friend the dictionary.
Sober: marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor; marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness
So this is what I see. If I am seeking my own glory, I will be upset if I don't get it. After all I used "I" or "my" 4 times just to write that sentence. If I am alert (or using sound judgement as the NIV states) and I am of a sober ,or marked by an earnestly thoughtful character or marked by temperance or seriousness, mind I can allow the "glory" to fall where it belongs rather than wanting in for myself. Actually, when I am sober or thinking clearly in this way, I want the glory to fall on God rather than myself.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Choice!
1 Peter 4:1
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attiude, because those who have suffered in their bodies are done with sin.
So what was the attitude of Christ during the suffering and why do I need it? Yesterday, I wrote about "Power"ful Living and how we are to live as Jesus did with a "power under" mentality (for more info on that refer to the previous post). Here Peter is telling me that I need to arm myself with Christ's attitude. Jesus did suffer in "his body". Physically he suffered tremendously but his attitude was one of great willingness to do and allow God's will in His life. He submitted his physical comfort to the work of God.
I need this attitude of submission of my physical comfort to allow verse 2 to become real.
1 Peter 4:2
As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
So, when I arm myself with His attitude of submission I end up being done with sin. And only when I am done with sin can I live for the will of God. The only way to live for His will is to give up the things I desire. I am not just speaking of stuff, I must give up how I want people to treat me. It doesn't matter how I am treated, good, bad or indifferent; I must desire God more than I desire someone to treat me well. I have to give up the desire to get my way or be "right". It doesn't matter if I am right or wrong, His will is all that matters.
In the end, I ask why does this really matter? I read further:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Power"ful Living
possession of control, authority, or influence over others
Generally when we think about power in regards to people, this definition is what we think about. Castro has power and Obama has power they gained the power in different ways, but they have power. My boss has power, my parents have power. The police have power and even the librarian has power (you know you whisper in the library).
I don't usually think about it but I have power as well. And if I am not thinking about it I am probably using it the wrong way at times.
I am reading this book a friend let me borrow, (The Myth of a Christian Nation). I am only a couple of chapters in. The author (who shall remain nameless, because I forgot his name; now that I think about it I could look it up, but so can you, so there is your homework), writes about how power is used either over or under other. It is very enlightening.
When I think about having power over someone, my mind goes to getting them to do what I need done. After all, why have power if you can't gain from it, right? In a "power over" world that is right, but as a Christian I am called to something bigger, something better, something Christlike.
Consider the life of Jesus, He exercised power over evil and things. He ran demons out of people, he multiplied fish and bread, he turned water to wine. But, he exercised power under people. He healed their bodies, he raised them from the dead, he washed their feet, he died for them.
When Jesus was betrayed, he was captured in the garden, Peter drew his sword and cut off an ear. Jesus picked up the ear and healed the man. He exercised power under those who were going to kill Him. His example for us is clear.
So what does this have to do with how we live? I know it is obvious to you at this point, but humor me if you will. For me to live a "powerful" life I must exercise "power under" those that I influence. I must be a servant. I must consider their needs before mine. This is against my nature more than I care to acknowledge.
1 Peter 3 starts off by telling wives to submit then tells husbands to be considerate and then says to all of us in verses 8-9:
"be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit the blessing."
These things can not be done when I am exerting power "over"; I have to use all of my power "under" others, just as Jesus did!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Verse 2 says, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,"
So I must do the craving? Another conscious decision! It is not natural, it is not easy and it changes me.
CRAVE: to ask for earnestly : beg , demand
to want greatly : need
to yearn for
to have a strong or inward desire
Have you ever thought about how cravings begin? Me either. But now that I am thinking about it, all the cravings I have are of things I like. A craving is a strong desire that comes from missing what I want. I have created cravings. I crave time with family, sex, good food, sports, bad food, friends and just ok food. I have many cravings. They come from enjoying things that I have tried. You can not have a craving for something you haven't tried. How could you crave chocolate if you never tried it? You couldn't!
So, when Peter tells us to "crave pure spiritual milk" what is he saying? We must crave God's Word like we craved milk when we were babies. How can I CRAVE God's word you ask? Look at verse 2 as written above, did you notice the comma at the end? That means verse 3 continues the thought.
"now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
I have to taste the Lord before I can crave Him. I have to be in His Word before I can crave it. Check this out. When children were learning the Torah (the 1st 5 books of our Bible) they read the words and then honey was put on the paper or tablet and they licked the honey from it. The purpose was for the child to see the Torah as being as sweet as honey and to crave more.
This is what Peter is telling us. I need to crave the word because it is as sweet as honey and the "perfect food" for my spirit. It never spoils.
The more I "eat" of the "perfect food" the more I want it. When I abstain from it I lose the desire for it.
So I must be in God's word to crave it, and I must stay in God's word to feed the craving. When I don't feed the craving it eventually fades away.
I have tasted the Lord and I know He is good. I crave more of Him. I pray that I will continue to feed.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Rid Yourself
While I was sitting in the room this morning, I was reading 1 Peter 2. God brought out many things, but I have 2 I will write about today. One of them, I will not post until tomorrow.
Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind.
1 Peter 2:1
When I read this, it hit me that Peter is telling me to rid myself. I know how we use the word "rid" but I have never looked at the definition. It says the following: "to make free" Interesting, so Peter is saying essentially that I am not "free" from those things.
Sometimes when people tell me things, the first thought I have is "who do you think you are." So I thought, who is he to tell me this. I know that you know who Peter is but just as a reminder. Peter is a tough guy. He is the first to speak up. He is so passionate he acts without thinking. Peter is the guys who jumps out of the boat to walk on water and then says to himself, I can't walk on water. Peter is the guy who pulls a sword and cuts off an ear. Peter is the guy who swears he will not deny but does, three times. Peter is mentally all in but not prepared for the heat. Christ corrects him each time he stumbles. He looks at him when He is denied the third time.
I am much like Peter. I spout off that "I will never." Not thinking how difficult it will be to "never."
Peter says we have to "rid ourselves". You mean I can do that? YES!! I can do that. It is a decision I have to make day-by-day, hour-by-hour and for me moment-by-moment. How? I must abstain from the sinful desires I have.
1 Peter 2:11 says, "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires."
Abstain: to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice
I can do it!! You can do it!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hand me downs?
"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."
The words that I have in bold above really jumped out at me when I read this. I don't know about you but if I am completely honest I was handed an empty way of life. There was really nothing spiritually filling about how I was raised. It was fun at times, it was rewarding at times, but it was in retrospect "empty." Obviously, I survived and I am trying to live a full life through Christ now. I thank God He redeemed me. But, I wonder what kind of life am I handing down to my future ancestors?
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Wow! I have a lot of responsibility. I want my children to follow a better path than I did when I was young. I want to "hand down" a better way of life to my ancestors. So how do I do this.
Verse 24 says, "For, All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever."
So if I am like grass and my glory is like the flowers, I will wither and fall, and the only thing of value that I have to HAND DOWN is that which endures forever. THE WORD OF THE LORD.
Today, and I pray everyday going forward, I will ask myself, "What of the Lord's Word are you handing down to your ancestry?"
That is a challenge!
I pray that you will have a wonderful Easter weekend, remembering what He did to redeem you.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Praying & Thanking
Anyway, I know that Paul starts out many of his letters by letting his reader know that he is praying and thanking God for them. His line is something like it is in Philemon, "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers..." So it occurred to me that if this is something Paul did consistently and he has many writings published, maybe it is something I should be doing.
Really, why is this a problem for me to do consistently. I have thoughts all day about people. I am sure it happens to you. I am sitting at my desk and Kelley's name will come across my mind or one of my girls (Dresden & Sierra) or someone in my Crown group or a co-worker, someone I met at the ballpark, whoever. Now that I think about it why would those names just pop into my brain while I am doing something totally unrelated? And this doesn't even count the names that come up related to what I am doing. Could it be that God is giving me those names?
Here is my problem with praying & thanking. Simply, it is my ritualistic thoughts about prayer. Its the close my eyes, bow my head, complete silence, 3 minute prayer for everything that I can think of type of prayer. If I stopped and did that every time a name popped up I would never work, or be with my family or sleep. And, God forbid, I wouldn't have time to eat.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, "pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Another letter from Paul. He says to pray continually. Give thanks. This spoke to me.
If I am to pray continually and give thanks and still work and show love to people and eat and sleep, I can't pray in my ritualistic style. These have to be prayers like, "thank you God for Kelley, protect her today," or "God, thank you for Dresden & Sierra allow them to be a light for you today," or "God grant grace and peace to Niki today." Nothing wrong with that.
I thank God for my wife, who not only is a great partner in marriage and a great mother to our kids, but she is making a difference in the lives of people at our church and in our community. I thank God for my two girls, they are very special, they love others and are leaders in their area of influence. I thank God for my friends and co-workers I can't mention them all by name here, after all, I have over 90 friends on Facebook. They have all had an impact on my life and this world. All of them love people and are striving to make a difference in our community and this world.
God thank you for giving me such incredible people to walk with as we all work toward being more like your Son and bringing the world with us.
Philemon 1:3
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Me, Holy?
So it occurred to me this morning that it may be a good idea to know what the word means. I mean, it is possible that I don't even know what Holy is and therefor I can't know if I am able to attain it. I know what you are thinking, God would not ask us to be something that we can not be. I agree! However, if I can't get my mind wrapped around it I will never be able to be it. So I need to know what it means.
If you are like me, when you hear holy in the context of God and His Word your mind goes to perfection, Jesus, loving always, things I can't be. So I need help.
I went to the old dictionary online and found holy, below are the definitions given:
1: exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness
2: divine
3: devoted entirely to the deity or the work of the deity
I don't think God is telling us to be exalted or divine, those are His and His alone so the first two are out. Think about number 3. I believe this is what being holy is for us. Devoted entirely to Him and His work. Now what does "devoted" mean. I am glad you asked. Check this out.
2 : to give over or direct (as time, money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity
I believe we need to apply both of these definitions. First of all, we should commit ourselves to God and His work. Another word is consecrate (set yourself apart). Secondly, we must give over (time, money & effort) to THE cause.
Now before you start throwing rocks at me, I do believe that being Holy involves removing yourself from sin, striving for righteousness, and loving others. I just think that BEING holy involves more than NOT doing something, it is DOING something. It is giving time to reach out to others, giving money to meet needs and giving your talent to make the church body whole.
In short, being holy is giving our time, talent and treasure entirely to the work of God.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Which Dog do I Feed Most?
Anyway, I received this comment about "My Battle":
Jamie, my pastor says there are two dogs fighting inside of every man. The one that wins is the one you feed the most. It looks like you are feeding the right one.
I read this and honestly I thought, wow someone is really bored to be reading this. However, I truly appreciate the feedback and it made me think. First of all, this is a great way to explain the concept to people. Obviously, it is memorable. Secondly, his line I have highlighted above is interesting. Immediately my mind went to Romans 12:2.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
The two dogs inside us require food to survive and thrive. It is easy to feed the dog that leads to selfish gains, all I have to do is be myself. However, if I want to feed the dog that leads to being Christlike, I have to "renew my mind."
I don't know about you, but I have thought about this as a daily renewing. I should get up and study and pray. Ask God for strength, courage and protection. The problem for me is that once I have done this I am stronger than ever, until someone does something. I mean, I am pulling out of the driveway and no one lets me out. Someone ate the last waffle or took the last drink of Tea. Honestly, it doesn't take long and I am back to ME.
So, for me this renewing, this trying to have my mind in the right place, takes constant work. I have to always be focused. I have to find a verse that applies. I have to think constantly about God's direction. I have to memorize His Word. I have to surround myself with Godly people who will tell me the truth.
Because, I am either feeding the dog that leads to destructive behavior or the one the leads to loving others.
And love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10
Thanks for the comment Terry.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Judge or Attorney?
Amazingly, I have to consciously apply God's word to me. It doesn't automatically occur. I believe I have stumbled upon the problem.
In James 4:11-12, he is speaking about judging your brothers and sisters. Of course, he is talking about our spiritual brothers and sisters. He says if we speak against them and judge them we are speaking against and judging the law. That's interesting. Never thought of that.
He goes on to say, "When you judge the law, you are not keeping it but, sitting in judgement on it."
So, if I speak against and judge my brothers and sisters I am speaking against and judging the law and therefor I am not keeping the law but sitting in judgement on it. WOW!
When you sit back and contemplate this thought it makes perfect sense. I wonder if I took this time with other verses if I would learn something? Anyway, when I am judging others I am not loving them! (see Matt 19:19 & John 13:34) And isn't love the fulfillment of the law?
I don't want to insult your intelligence by going on and on. This seems pretty straight forward to me. So, the bottom line, as I see it, is this; Am I spending more time worrying about what others are doing or saying than I am loving them regardless of what they are doing or saying?
God is the ONLY judge. I want to leave that to Him.
Jesus is our Advocate, in a sense our attorney. He speaks on our behalf to the Father (The Judge). He does this because HE LOVES US.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Battle
Anyway, James asks an interesting question in verse 1. He asks, "What causes fights and quarrels among you?" If you are like me you probably thought something along the lines of, "I am dealing with nutbags." or "This person was mean to me." or whatever else.
But James tells us something totally different than what we think. He says, "Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?" When I step out of myself, and for those that know me you know that is a big step, I can see this. When I don't get what I want or desire I get a bit ornery (sorry that took so long I had to figure out how to spell ORNERY). Isn't that true for you as well. I think if we are honest we struggle with this.
So what? There are two things to say about this and trust me I am saying this for me, you get to just read and pray for my struggles if they don't apply to y0u.
1) We are supposed to love one another. Fighting and quarreling with each other does not leave room for love. I must love others more than I want or desire anything. That is huge for me. I am not much of a people person to begin with. I really have to focus and allow God to love people through me.
2) If I have a desire I need to ask God. verse 2 says "you do not have because you do not ask." That sounds really good until you read verse 3. James says, "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." NOTE: It is incredible to me that a book that was written and put together so long ago can look into my life and point out, in perfect clarity, where I come short. OK, so if I have a desire I need to ask for it. Easy enough. However, if that desire is for the wrong reasons, (ie. for me and my enjoyment), it will not be given.
To sum this up, I would say this. Inside of me, and if you read these passages it will talk to you, a battle is raging. The spirit within me wants to glorify God, but the self within me wants to glorify me. The question of who gets the glory is a matter of submission.
I must submit the wants and desires I have for my life to God's wants and desires for my life. If I do this I will receive what He knows is good for me and I will not battle my brothers and sisters.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Side-by-side Shake??
It is interesting how the mind works sometimes. I was reading this morning in James (chapter 3:9-12) and what I read there made me think of food. Now you know!
James is talking about how we use our tongue in two ways (of course I am talking about what we say). In one moment, we will be praising God and in another we will curse humans. He then makes an interesting statement that brought me to what may be a crazy thought. He says, "can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?" Interesting question. Have you every thought about it?? Not me.
Because a spring flows from a body of water (called an aquifer) it can only produce what it comes from. The spring itself does not produce anything it is an overflow of its source. Therefor, if the aquifer is fresh water the spring from that aquifer will be fresh water. The same is true for a salt water spring. That makes sense to me. So how do I apply it? I am glad you asked.
As I think about this, it seems to me that if I use my tongue to tear down, maim or destroy I need to consider the source of that spring. Something is not right.
Luke 6:45
Good people bring forth good things out of the good stored up in their heart, and evil people bring forth evil things out of the evil stored up in their heart. For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
Just as a spring is an overflow of an aquifer, our tongues (what we say) is an overflow of our hearts. So back to James, he says that we praise the lord and curse his created beings with the same tongue. And we do! He goes on to say, "My brothers and sisters, this should not be." And it shouldn't.
How does all this fit together?
I believe that I MUST take a very close, difficult look into what I say. If I am praising God in one sentence and destroying others the next. I should really really consider that I am making something up. I am faking something. And for me, it would be much easier to fake the praising of God than the tearing down of His created beings. Because of this, if I hear bitterness, deceit, slander and other bad things coming out of my mouth, it is coming from a heart that is filled with that stuff. It needs be drained and refilled with Him.
I pray that I would not make a side-by-side mess of what He intended to be flavored by Him alone.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Can you see my faith in God?
1) I am not supposed to show favoritism
2) I am supposed to show my faith
I will save the favoritism comments for another day. As I was reading today, I wondered if anyone could see my faith in God. Am I showing what I believe by what I do or do I have to tell people what I believe?
Honestly this question is not so big a deal if I just think about it to myself. However, if God were to ask me this question I would be very nervous. I would probably be even more nervous if He were to rewind and show me how I live.
Beginning in verse 14 of chapter 2 James begins to talk about faith and deeds. In verse 19 he says, "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." You may have already heard this discussion in many forms in your world. I know I had. But it hit me fresh today.
As I was thinking about that verse, it occurred to me that the word "show" here is very important to James' point. Read the definitions of "show" below.
to cause or permit to be seen : exhibit
to present as a public spectacle : perform
to reveal by one's condition, nature, or behavior
Now reread those definitions and think about how you can do that with your mouth. Of course you can show that you have changed by not saying some of the stuff you were saying before you believed but to truly "show" your faith you have to be DOING something.
This is applicable no matter what or who you have faith in. If you truly have faith in a sports team you wear the shirt, jersey or cap. You don't just tell people. If your faith is in your job you will work 12 hour days or wear an embroidered shirt. Those are things people can see that show your faith/allegiance.
So here is the question that I must consider, that you must consider, "What am I doing that shows my faith in God?" I could say, "well I work for the church." Please believe me when I tell you I could work for the church and go about my business here without any more consideration of God than you must show at your job. I hope I consider Him in all I do, but it would be easy not to.
We could ask why it matters. I mean after all God knows our hearts. But read what James says in verse 26, "As the body with the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." I believe James is dead on here. Of course, it is in the Bible so that helps me believe this but, I know for me that I never feel more alive than when I am doing something for someone in God's name. I believe this feeling comes from my spirit being awakened as it moves closer to being like Jesus.
So for me, I know that I must be doing something consistently that allows me to show my faith in God. Look back at the definitions above and think about it. I am permitting something to be seen, I am presenting a spectacle and I am revealing by my behavior.
God, give me a desire to show you in EVERYTHING I do.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Who is MY Customer?
He spoke about several things; Exceptional Service, Everyone is a brand champion and Brand is an experience. But the most interesting to me was what he says that EVERY individual wants. They are as follows:
1) To Belong
2) To Feel Special
3) To Have Control
4) To Reach Their Potential
5) To be Understood
Obviously, his talk was about how they treat and deal with their customers at Sheraton Gateway Atlanta. Of course, we were there to learn and see how we can apply their world class service to our church.
The first thing to do was to decide who our customers are. The easy answer is the people who show up on Sunday mornings. Of course, they are our customers and it is very important that we remember the list above when we do things for them. But we all have customers in other areas of our lives that we need to apply these to as well. Here is a definition to work off of.


A customer, also client, buyer or purchaser is the buyer or user of the paid products of an individual or organization, mostly called the supplier or seller. This is typically through purchasing or renting goods or services.
The word derives from "custom," meaning "habit"; a customer was someone who frequented a particular shop, who made it a habit to purchase goods of the sort the shop sold there rather than elsewhere, and with whom the shopkeeper had to maintain a relationship to keep his or her "custom," meaning expected purchases in the future.
In the definition above, you see the word "user". Generally we don't see those people as our customers. For example, I have our congregation and community as my customers but I also have our staff as a customer. They use the services that I provide, (ie... payroll, benefits, conflict resolution, direction, praise, etc...). Everyone on our staff has multiple customer areas. Therefor it is important to remember, the 5 things people want, in our dealings with all people not just the congregation and community. Some times we lose this focus when dealing with those closest to us. We must regain that to be a GREAT TEAM.
Check out the definition of Customer Centricity that the Wharton School of Business uses:
Customer centricity refers to the orientation of a company to the needs and behaviors of its customers, rather than internal drivers (such as the quest for short term profit).
I want to be customer centric. I want to meet the needs of my customers. But I must know who they are first. Who are your customers?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Alluring or Terrifying: It's your choice.
In chapter 12 verse 19 of his Gospel, Matthew quotes Isaiah saying, "He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets." Obviously Jesus spoke, after all we have the sermon on the mount, parables and numerous answers to questions He was asked. So why would Isaiah say something like this and why would Matthew quote it?
Remember now that, Matthew is writing after Jesus' death and resurrection. I can't help but wonder if he was a bit angry with this part of Jesus when they were traveling together. After all, the disciples were expecting a king for this world not eternity (a story for another day).
Anyway, both of these Godly writers are giving us a picture of how Jesus let people know about Him, His Father and Their Kingdom. Jesus lived a life and spoke loving words to draw people to Himself and His Father. So how does that compare to us? Do we stand in crowded locations and scream from the top of our lungs, threatening people with certain hell if they don't listen? Or do we live quiet, God fearing and Jesus following lives that draw people to us so that we can give them Him.
Read this excerpt from Matthew Henry's Commentary:
His voice was not heard in the streets; "Lo, here is Christ;’’ or, "Lo, he is there:’’ he spake in a still small voice, which was alluring to all, but terrifying to none; he did not affect to make a noise, but came down silently like the dew. What he spake and did was with the greatest possible humility and self-denial.
I pray that I will speak in humility and draw people to Him.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I am Searching
In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus starts out by saying, "enter through the narrow gate." To that I say, thanks for the info, but the GPS doesn't have it listed could you give me the address please. Because one thing I do know is if that gate exists I want in that gate. Then Jesus says, "but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." At least I know what it looks like.
I think we can take a couple of points to help us with the gate deal. First, I believe while looking for the gate it doesn't make sense to follow the crowd. Jesus said, "only a few find it." If that is true then following the crowd will only lead me to the WIDE gate (read verse 13 again). I am looking for a small group of people that are going against the grain, headed in a totally different direction than the masses. I believe I will hang out with them.
Second, when I find the gate I will choose it. There are many that see the gate, they gaze at it, maybe even touch it but, they choose to move on.
Read Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Gate:
The gate being so strait and the way so narrow, it is not strange that there are but few that find it, and choose it. Many pass it by, through carelessness; they will not be at the pains to find it; they are well as they are, and see no need to change their way. Others look upon it, but shun it; they like not to be so limited and restrained...
So, how do we travel this path that leads to this gate?
We should read it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I know that's right!
In these verses, Jesus is trying to get us to take our minds off of the everyday worries that each of us have. What will I eat, drink and wear. Now some of us worry more about what we are going to wear. If you know me, you know that I am more concerned about what I am going to eat than wear. We all have our problems I suppose. Jesus asks us this question in verse 27, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" I don't think he expected an answer, He really wants us to consider this question. We can not accomplish a thing through worry.
I know that we need food, drink and clothing. The great news is that Jesus knows this as well. So in vers 31, He tells us "DO NOT WORRY..." Verse 32 says, "Your heavenly Father knows that you need them..." If you are like me you already know and even believe this is true but it is totally different to live like you believe it.
For those of us who find ourselves wondering what to do. I believe God says He will provide and I believe He can provide but I can not stop worrying about His provision and when it will come. Jesus tells us this in verse 33, "but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
So if I see God's kingdom and his righteousness, he will provide my needs? That what Jesus said. It seems plain, not a parable, just Jesus teaching in His first sermon. So how do I do this seeking? A great place to start is turn it all over to Him. You can then begin reading what Jesus says about how we should live in Matthew (chapters 5-7). Of course all of God's word, will lead us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness.
I pray that I will seek His kingdom and righteousness in all that I do. I pray that for you as well.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
V 17: Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
V 18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
You have heard the saying, "what comes around goes around", I don't know about you but far too often I find myself trying to make sure that something "goes around" for someone who made something "come around" on me. And then I read these verses and God says through Paul to me, that is not your role!! Don't do that. Don't worry about what they did. Love them. Pray for them. Feed them. Give them something to drink.
God says to me don't try to avenge a wrong done to you. Love everyone even when they do wrong to you. You do what I have called my followers to do. Love everyone. Paul tells us to leave room for God's wrath. I am so pitiful to think that I can get revenge against someone. When you think about it, what can I really do to someone that is truly hurtful. Anything I have to offer good or bad (other than God's love) is only of this world and has no lasting value.
So even though I may feel better when I get someone, it does me NO good, it doesn't solve the problem, and it doesn't lead them to the only being that can change their heart.
Today I pray that you will see this truth as I have and as you apply it to your living, be blessed.
Romans 12:17-21
Monday, February 23, 2009
I am working in a job I love at NorthStar. We are a great church just trying to do what God has called us to do. We have challenges, like everyone, but God has and continues to meet all of our needs and provide direction at the right times.
I can not imagine a place (personally or professionally) I would rather be. I pray that you have that in your family and work life as well.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Matthew 6:19-21
Anyway, I believe I have written here in the past that my wife and I lead Crown financial Bible studies with people within our church every year. During each session we discuss that God says we should lay up treasure in Heaven not here on earth. Ultimately the point is that we shouldn't put our faith or self worth in the things we are blessed with.
Specifically Jesus says that things we store up here are subject to destruction from moth and rust or theft from thieves. As I said, we have talked about this in every single Crown group. I have never really had an opportunity to live this out in my life.
Well on December 16th we got the opportunity to see if we truly have our treasure in the right place. I will say that I am proud of how Kelley and my two girls handled this situation. Someone broke into our house and took ALL of our electronics. TV's, laptop, cameras, power cords, etc... There really never was much talk or worry about the things that were taken. All of that can be replaced. We were all talking about how blessed we were that no one was home and that we didn't walk in on them in process.
We are so blessed with the things that God has allowed us to use while we are here. But we are more blessed that He has given us the wisdom to use things but Love Him. Thank you God for your blessings and for protecting my family.
Matthew 6:19-21
Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasue is there your heart will be also.